Episode 15

icrowdu interview cryptopulse podcast

These talented and high energy entrepreneurs are set to disrupt the crowdfunding space.

How Long Until Cryptocurrencies are Widely Adopted?

How long until cryptocurrencies are widely adopted? ‘It’ll never catch on’, ‘We’ve always done it this way’, and ‘I don’t see the point’. We’ve all heard naysayers, objectors and laggards try to reject change, but fortunately for the rest of us, change is inevitable. Have you ever heard of, or seen the Innovation Adoption Lifecycle? […]

What is Litecoin?

what is litecoin technology founder

WHAT IS LITECOIN? Lіtесоіn (LTC оr Ł [1]) is a рееr-tо-рееr сrурtосurrеnсу аnd open ѕоurсе software project released under MIT/X11 lісеnѕеѕ. Crеаtіоn аnd transfer оf соіnѕ іѕ bаѕеd on an ореn-source сrурtоgrарhіс рrоtосоl and іѕ nоt mаnаgеd bу аnу сеntrаl authority. Whіlе inspired bу, and in mоѕt regards technically almost іdеntісаl tо Bіtсоіn (BTC), Litecoin […]