EP09 S2 – Verge Currency – Updates, Partnerships & the future of XVG

Verge Currency – Updates, Partnerships & the future of XVG

In this episode, we bring you an exclusive interview with Alex, a member of the core team at Verge to discuss all you need to know about the project along with upcoming exciting news and future updates. 

What makes Verge different is that it is a community project run by the people, for the people. We discuss why that it is important for Verge and get insight into what being part of the team is like. 

We also talk about what the future has in store including Rosetta, a potential Coinbase listing and VoiceLife, which is a technology that generates wireless power energy transmissions that can provide charge for devices wherever they are. 

About Verge

The Verge mission is to empower people around the world by bringing blockchain transactions into everyday life by making it possible to engage in direct transactions quickly, efficiently and securely. 

Verge currency can benefit both individuals and businesses with its fast, flexible and secure transactions. The main benefit is its flexibility as anyone can send and receive Verge from anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds. You can buy Verge currency from most popular exchanges including Binance and Bittrex. You can also download the Verge wallet from your preferred platform here https://vergecurrency.com/wallets/ 

What we cover in this episode 

– What is Verge and what it is used for

– Their values and mission 

– Upcoming news and future updates

– An introduction to VoiceLife

– Rosetta and will Verge be listed on Coinbase in the future?

– How Verge manage their partnerships with exchanges

– Alex’s views on DAOs

– Why you shouldn’t store your Crypto on exchanges 

Things we mention in the show


Website – https://vergecurrency.com/

Twitter – https://mobile.twitter.com/vergecurrency

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/official_vergecurrency 

Telegram – https://t.me/VERGExvg 


Website – https://voice-life.com/

Twitter – https://twitter.com/voicelife_inc 

Ways to connect with Cryptopulse

Twitter: https://twitter.com/crypto_pulse
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/crypto_pulse
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/cryptopulse
Website: http://www.cryptopulse.co.uk

Ways to connect with Kevin and Ben

Kevin Basham Twitter: https://twitter.com/KevinBasham
Ben Rees Twitter: https://twitter.com/bdrsquared

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